Have you filled a bucket today?

bucket filler display


Upon stumbling across the story ‘Have you filled a bucket today?’ on the story sack resources on www.twinkl.co.uk  I thought it would be a good idea to find the book and try it with my class! We haven’t done much PSHE this year and this seemed like a nice one.


Anyway we read the story to which the kids were pretty engrossed in and then discussed how we could be bucket fillers and how not be bucket dippers!

We made the buckets, decorated them and now in the writing area there are little sheets of paper that the children can fill peoples buckets with 🙂

It has worked pretty well; no one wants to be a bucket dipper so all I have to do is mention bucket dipping and the unwanted behaviour stops!

Here are some of the bucket filler writing done today:


DSC00532   DSC00531(Urgh, awful picture quality I really do need a new phone!)

And when they fill someones bucket they fill their own as I put a bucket filler card in theirs. I’ll count up who has the most bucket filler cards and they’ll get a certificate (also from the story sack set from Twinkl– click the word to go to the set). This particular resource is a premium one which means you have to have a membership- which I do because it’s good value for money and the resources are fab 😀

We shall soon see if the bucket filling continues and whether it has a positive effect on the children!



Ok so maybe this one isn't a display as such...

Ok so maybe this one isn’t a display as such…

So this is one of my first role play areas that I created as a primary school teacher. As you may be able to guess the topic was Pirates so here’s our very own Treasure Island. All the surrounding walls were covered in sea themed display paper, you can see the ‘island’, flag and blow up palm tree! Which was taller than me by the way. We also had a treasure chest full of dressing up clothes and accessories. Needless to say it was a success with the kids- almost too much of a success you might say with the fights it initially caused about who got to go in!

great fire of london

Another role play area! This one was during our topic on The Great Fire of London. I am blessed to have a multi-talented fiancé who made the back drop for me and fantastic support assistants who created the burning houses. I have all these ideas but would fail miserably at actually creating these things so a HUGE thank you too them. The area was a fantastic aid to learning- all the children in my class can now tell you where, when and how the fire started-  Hooray!


Finally an actual display! (well if you wanted to get technical then it’s a literacy working wall… oops! Anyway this was for our fairy tale topic. My bunch of littlies (year 1) are quite a low ability bunch so faced with the mission of getting them to write a whole story I needed to get creative.  We did lots and lots of shared writing activities where I just quickly wrote down their ideas into a story to read back to them. We read lots of fairy tales and wrote about their beginning, middle and end blah, blah blah… Anyway I decided to break a story down into 5 simple steps- opening, setting, character (who?) what? and ending. The children then chose from one of the bubbles above the cauldron and used the whiteboards underneath to make the story! When it actually came down to writing the stories we used the famous Story Mountain for an outline and the stories were a success 🙂 when we’re back at school I will take some good pictures of the some of the stories and post them up! As you can tell I’m chuffing like a muffin about this one 😀


This is the last one for this post I promise. This is my common word garden and I have to give a big shout out to TeachersPet you can find them on Facebook and Twitter and they have their own website www.tpet.displays.co.uk. They are, in my opinion, the first stop anyone should make if they are looking for display resources. They are free and fabulous. I also regularly use www.twinkl.co.uk which are fab too. Seriously save your own time and effort and make use of the free resources that are out there 🙂

I am now kicking myself for not taking pictures of our winter wonderland role play area- it really was a sight! Ah well.

Thanks for reading

Miss Sykes